Welcome to WashU School of Public Health

With the School of Public Health at Washington University in St. Louis, WashU is establishing its first new school in 100 years. More than a school, it will be an interdisciplinary, collaborative, innovative, data-driven and people-focused home for research and education equipped to meet current and future challenges in public health in St. Louis and globally. 

Inaugural Dean Sandro Galea, MD, DrPH

Learn more about WashU School of Public Health’s inaugural dean and the vision he and university leadership have for the newly established interdisciplinary and highly collaborative School of Public Health.

Public Health news and notes

Applications are being accepted for School of Public Health joint faculty appointments.

Also, a broad range of staff positions at the School of Public Health will be posted on the university’s career opportunities site as positions are identified.

Joint faculty appointments

For information about joint faculty appointments, see here.

Staff positions

To find staff openings at the School of Public Health, see here.

To receive monthly updates on the School of Public Health, register here.

Events & convenings

Learn about and participate in campus visits and addresses from respected scholars and key leaders in public health. Join us for in-person conversations about difficult topics in public health. And for faculty and staff curious about the building of this new school, plan to attend our monthly assemblies. For information about these and other events, see here.

Featured upcoming event:

Thinking Public Health — in-depth conversation within the WashU community about topics of current concern in public health, from 9 to 10 a.m. Friday, Feb. 21, at Kuehner Court in Weil Hall.

Register to attend